EFTA full form
The EFTA full form is The European Free Trade Association
EFTA full form in Hindi
यूरोपीय मुक्त व्यापार संघ
What is EFTA?
The EFTA is the intergovernmental organization of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. It was set up in 1960 by its seven member’s state for promotion of free trade and economic integration between its members.
EFTA headquarter
The head quarter of EFTA at Geneva, Switzerland.
Address of EETA: Rue de Varembé, 9-11, 1211 Geneva 20,
Logo of EFTA
The logo of EFTA is given here.
Website of EFTA
The official website of EFTA is given here.
When was EFTA established?
4th January, 1960
Which are the founding members of EFTA?
Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
Which country becomes associates member of EFTA in 1961?
Which country becomes associates member of EFTA in 1970?
Which country leave EETA to join the EEC in 1972?
Denmark and United Kingdom
Which country leave EETA to join the EEC in 1985?
Which country becomes associates member of EFTA in 1989?
Which country leave EETA to join the EEC in 1995?
Austria, Finland and Sweden
What is function of EFTA?
To foster economic cooperation and promote free trade between its seven founding Member States
What is the difference between EFTA at four and EFTA at three?
EFTA consists of four countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. When speaking of EEA-related matters, the term “EFTA at three” is often used to highlight these countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. EETA at four means to clarify all four members of states are concerned.