Full form of ICPC
The full form of ICPC is The International Cable Protection Committee
ICPC Full form in Hindi
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय केबल सुरक्षा समिति
What is ICPC?
The ICPC was founded in 1958 and its member consists of government administrations and commercial companies that operates submarine telecommunications or power cable as well as companies which are interested in the submarine industry.
Function of ICPC
The main function of ICPC is to help its members to improve the security of under sea cables by providing forum in which relevant technical, environmental and legal information are exchanged.
Tagline of ICPC
The tagline of ICPC is Sharing the seabed and oceans in harmony
Logo of ICPC
The logo of ICPC is given here.
ICPC official website
ICPC headquarters
The headquarter of ICPC is at United Kingdom.
When was ICPC established?
- 22nd May, 1958
Who is current (5.12.2024) chairman of ICPC?
- Mr Graham Evans
When was 2025 ICPC held?
- 15 – 17th April 2025, Double tree by Hilton, Montreal, Canada
How many members of the ICPC?
- 235 as on 5.12.2024 (ICPC Members List)