OPCW full form
The OPCW full form is organizations for prohibition of chemical weapons.
Full form of OPCW in Hindi
रासायनिक हथियारों के निषेध के लिए संगठन।
What is OPCW?
The OPCW is the implementing body for the chemical weapons convention. Its mission is to achieve a world free of chemical weapons.
OPCW headquarter
The head quarter of OPCW at Hague, Netherland.
Logo of OPCW
The logo of OPCW is given here.
Website of OPCW
The official website of OPCW is given here.
When was OPCW comes into existence?
29th April, 1997
How many members OPCW consists of as on 27.11.2024?
193 members
When OPCW received noble peace prize?
10th December, 2013